Cisco 2950 switch no ntp options
Cisco 2950 switch no ntp options

cisco 2950 switch no ntp options cisco 2950 switch no ntp options

Here is show ntp associatsions detail: configured, insane, invalid, stratum 16 * master (synced), # master (unsynced), + selected, - candidate, ~ configured Here is show ntp associations: address ref clock st when poll reach delay offset disp Root dispersion is 0.00 msec, peer dispersion is 0.00 msec Nominal freq is 119.2092 Hz, actual freq is 119.2092 Hz, precision is 2**17 Here is show ntp status Clock is unsynchronized, stratum 16, no reference clock Here is running-config ntp server First I thought it was due to a bug I was reading about regarding Win32Timeservice, or something like that, however I confirmed that this is a NTPD server ( running on Unix. I've tried setting the clock close to the UTC time, but i still don't show time synced. I am trying to configure a cisco switch as a ntp client, however I cannot get past the show ntp status of Clock is unsynchronized, stratum 16, no reference clock.

Cisco 2950 switch no ntp options